They say that no one should stay complacent. To succeed in today's business climate each of us needs to explore different markets, different ideas, different opportunities, and different modes of communication.
Thus brings me to this new (old) way of networking called "blogging". I am not sure what I can or what I cannot put on a "blog" but being the open-minded individual that I claim to be; here we go.
We are very busy at F.P. Miller Co. in all areas of our business. We are presently rebuilding six
Blanchard Vertical Grinders. Three have already been spoken for (sold).
Our used
CNC inventory is the lowest since buying CNC's. We are desperately looking to buy good "used" CNC machinery. Please help us out if you know of anyone evening thinking about selling some unproductive machinery.
We are also looking for
air compressors to buy. Rotary Screw and Reciprocating from 10 Hp to 250 Hp and these must be air-cooled and in running condition.
Please forward these messages on to whoever you feel might benefit. To get to know more about our company, please visit our website